

In general, meetings will be held outdoors until temperatures are below 35 degrees within one hour of meeting time or there is continuous rain expected during the meeting time. Meetings will only be moved indoors due to adverse weather conditions at the discretion of the leadership.

Troop Covid Guidelines

  • These can change at anytime based on local regulations, PUMC guidance, council guidelines and leadership comfort level.

  • To avoid constant change, there will be a 20% reduction in the metric before we step down a precaution.

Indoor Masking

Regardless of vaccination status, once caseloads reach 10 cases per 100,00 in AA County, the troop will mask for all activities indoors.

  • Policy will remain in effect until cases decrease to under 8 cases per 100,000.

Outdoor Masking

Once caseloads reach 25 cases per 100,00 in AA County, the troop will meet outdoors only and mask for all activities, indoors and outdoors.

  • Policy will remain in effect until cases decrease to under 20 cases per 100,000.

Outdoor Masking with Increased Social Distancing

Once caseloads reach 50 cases per 100,00 in AA County, the troop will meet outdoors only. Masking for all activities, and specifically increasing care with social distancing to include no contact sports.

  • Policy will remain in effect until cases decrease to under 40 cases per 100,000.

Virtual Meetings

If case loads reach 75 cases per 100,000 in AA County the troops will meet virtually via Zoom or Google Meet.

  • Policy will remain in effect until cases decrease to under 60 cases per 100,000.


If anyone in a scout's household tests positive for Covid 19, is under quarantine, or shows symptoms of Covid 19, the scout should remain home. We will miss you, but look forward to seeing your scout when everyone is healthy.

  • The scout may resume meetings when every individual is released from quarantine in their household.

If you or someone in your household does test positive, please let your leadership know ASAP if you have been to a troop activity or event in the last 14 days.


Annual Activities