New Parent's Corner

Thank you for your interest in Troop 346 B & G

New scouts are always welcome and we encourage you to attend our next weekly meeting. No prior scouting experience is needed. 

Feel free to reach out to a scoutmaster prior to the meetings. 

Calls or text welcome.

Boys: Jamie Metzer 443-839-9996

Girls: CarrieAnn Caswell 410-412-0463

We look forward to meeting you and your scout!

What does my scout need to start?

When a scout first starts many of the basics can be borrowed from the troop. In addition to camping gear, the troop's experienced uniform chest is a great place to check for uniform pants and shirts. Scoutmasters can help determine what specific gear is needed more immediately based on the type of activities the troop has planned. 

For additional information check the troop Uniforms page for a complete uniform guide and Gear Recommendations for any camping gear to pack on trips.

How much is this going to cost?

Initial Outlay



Council Registration Fees (*see below)

Ongoing Costs

$25 Monthly troop dues* (inclusive of annual national registration)

*This amount will be updated 1/2024 as it will no longer include the annual national registration fee.

Activity fees for events the scout attends

Summer Camp

*National Registration Fees

National registration fees & insurance are prorated to the month a scout joins the troop. For instance, a new scout joining would pay the prorated amount for their age (youth or adult) + the prorated insurance  + the one time joining fee for new scouts of $25 (only if they have never scouted with BSA before). Scout Life magazine is optional. After joining, future registration fees are paid through your dues.

**If you join in Sept thru Dec your initial registration cost will include the upcoming calendar year plus the prorated amount for the remainder of 2023.

Online Youth Applications

Once youth have decided they want to make the commitment to scouting, a youth application should be filled out. Youth applications can be completed online or hard copy. If you have any questions please speak with your Scoutmaster or the Committee Chair.

346 Boys

346 Girls


Scouting is volunteer run. We encourage at least one adult from every family to be an active member of the troop. We need many roles filled from sitting on Boards of Review to attending camp outs to assisting with meetings. When registering your scout, speak with the Scoutmaster and Committee Chair about how you can best help the troop.

All adults, registered troop members and support parents, must complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) and forward their completed certificate to the Committee Chair prior to attending a scouting event at  This will need to be updated annually. 

To be a registered adult the adult application can be filled out online but must be completed with a wet signature. This needs to be turned into the Committee Chair with payment for prorated registration fees for the year.

Going on the First Camp Out?

Is your Scout going on their first camp out with the troop? Check out a packing list found here on the Packing List & Gear page. To find out more details about what to expect from another parent check out the Weekend Troop Camping page.