Packing List & Gear

Troop 346 Campout Checklist

This is a comprehensive list the scouts have developed and added to as camping trips have required. Scouts DO NOT need all items from this list, but instead are to use the list as guidance for an upcoming camp out.

  • For weekend camp outs, all scouts youth and adult, sleep in their individual tents.

  • For summer camp, scouts can choose to bunk with another youth in a canvas platform tent provided by summer camp or may choose to bring their own tent. Buddies should be no more than 2 years age difference.

Our troop travels in a full Class A Scout Uniform including tan uniform shirt, green pants, neckerchief, belt, boots, and handbook (packed). For weekend campouts, we do travel to and from the site in uniform.

Our troop has a wealth of gently used or troop owned gear. Scouts are encouraged to use that gear. The adult and youth quartermasters will work with your scout to check out any gear.

Camping Equipment

❑ Tent, poles, and stakes

❑ Waterproof ground cloth or plastic sheet

❑ Sleeping bag, pillow, air mattress or pad

Sleeping bag should be rated for the expected weather.

❑ Mess Kit - Cup, bowl, plate, knife, fork, spoon. All in a mesh

bag so it can be hung to dry.

❑ Water bottle

❑ Camp chair or stool

❑ Pocket Knife (Only if Scout has or will be learning Totin’ Chip this this camp out.)

❑ Mosquito Net (summer camp)

Clothing (Remember Layers!)

❑ Face masks (at least 1 per day)

❑ Boy Scout uniform

❑ Shirts

❑ Pants/shorts

❑ Poncho or raincoat

❑ Warm jacket or coat

❑ Pajamas or sweatshirt, sweatpants

❑ Underwear

❑ Durable shoes, shoelaces

❑ Towel

❑ Hat or cap, gloves

❑ Extra socks, shoes, other extra clothing

❑ Swimsuit (See below)

❑ Personal Flotation Device (PFD)

Toiletry Kit

❑ Toothpaste, toothbrush, comb

❑ Comb or brush, hair ties

❑ Deodorant

❑ Toilet paper

❑ Extra plastic bag or container

First Aid

❑ Personal First aid kit

❑ Flashlight, bulb, batteries

❑ Sunscreen

❑ Insect repellent


❑ Camera

❑ Day Pack (Small backpack)

❑ Sunglasses

❑ Notebook and pencil

❑ Phone or electronic device

* Scouts assume all risk associated with electronic devices. The troop does not ban devices but we do strongly discourage bringing them. If they become an issue, a scout will be asked to put it away or even refrain from bringing the device at a future camp out.

* Camping is not the best activity for devices. There is water, dirt and typically a lack of electricity. Scouts should be prepared for this with physical protection for those devices like waterproof cases or bags. Turning devices off or to airplane mode when not in use.

Swim Suits

Rash guards are highly encouraged for all scouts.

Boys - Swim trucks that reach mid thigh or longer. No "Speedo" style swim bottoms.

  • Must have a shirt on when entering or exiting the pool complex.

Girls - One piece suit or two piece suit. For a two piece the top should meet the bottoms.

  • Must have shorts/skirt on when entering or exiting the pool complex

Camp Out with Individual Cooking

Cooking Gear

❑ Food

❑ Food storage - Shelf stable or cooler/ice

❑ Equipment to cook food. Pot, pan, knife, etc.

❑ Propane Stove

❑ Propane Bottle

❑ Lighter

Any other items needed to prepare the scouts

menu during the camp out. Adult leaders will be

available to help and supervise

Outdoor Footwear Basics

Outdoor Clothing Basics

Sleeping Bag Basics

Ten Camping Essentials